OUT spotlights Equality Courts in community workshops

OUT is working to empower members of the LGBTIQ+ community with the tools to stand up for their rights. Supported by Open Society Foundations, we have been holding a series of community workshops in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape to inform LGBTIQ+ individuals about the Equality Courts.

During each session, we provide a background to these courts and what they are for and give practical advice on how and when to make use of them. As pictured, we recently hosted a well-received workshop in Orange Farm, south of Johannesburg, in partnership with FEW, loveLife and the South African Human Rights Commission.

Established by the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act of 2000, Equality Courts address cases involving unfair discrimination, hate speech, and harassment based on various grounds, including race, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression.

Equality Courts are available at any Magistrates’ Court throughout the country, and there are no costs for complainants who also do not require legal representation.

For more information on using the Equality Courts, click here.