MSM Health

OUT has been at the forefront of providing HIV and sexual health services to men who have sex with men (MSM) for many years, including through its previous ground-breaking CDC-funded programme in Tshwane.

MSM, who may avoid seeking health services due to the fear of discrimination and stigma in the public health sector, are recognised as one of the key population groups most at risk at HIV. OUT’s programmes provide professional, welcoming and stigma-free services tailored to the needs of MSM.

Today, OUT’s vibrant Engage Men’s Health project is funded by PEPFAR  through USAID. Engage Men’s Health opened the doors to its centrally-located Johannesburg clinic in June 2019, offering free HIV and related on-site health services.

The project also goes out into the community via outreach and mobile services in the Nelson Mandela Bay, Buffalo City and Johannesburg metros. Services include free HIV and STI testing and treatment (ARVs), PrEP and PEP, self-testing kits distribution and more.

In 2023, OUT received a two-year grant from PEPFAR through USAID to continue to provide and enhance vital HIV services for MSM in the three South African metros via the Engage Men’s Health project. This historic grant was the first ever direct funding awarded by USAID to an MSM-focused and LGBTQ-run organisation in South Africa.

OUT is working to expand its wellness services to offer much-needed mental health, socio-economic and other support to its MSM beneficiaries.