You will experience and practice Taoist Erotic Massage, including the breathing that increases arousal and raises sexual energy.
Being honoured as a man and connecting the genitals with the heart, the facilitators will build up erotic sensation and spread it through the body to increase our capacity for pleasure.
You will learn how to:
• Ask for what you want and to be clear in what you don’t want
• Circulate sexual energy
• Achieve full body orgasm
This is a time to surrender into your passion and allow yourself to be surprised. Feel the unlimited electrifying ecstasies from within.
This workshop will be unclothed, and exercises will be in large and small groups, and in pairs.
The International Facilitator is Volker Moritz, an Amsterdam based Psychologist, MSc (clinical and social psychology, University of Amsterdam), Sexologist (RINO, Utrecht; registered by the NVVS), Sexological Bodyworker (certified by IISB®, Zürich; registered by ACSB) and Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher.
The National Assistant-Facilitator is Peter Hayes and the National Events Coordinator is Johan Muller.
Should you have any questions, or require further information about the workshop please contact either Johan (bookings and logistics) on 083 286 1891 or Peter (content) on 082 920 1076.