Some helpful tips are:

  • Alert and consult with your close friends. These must be people that you know and trust.
  • Confront the source of the rumour directly, if you know who it is. Stay calm when you do this.
  • Keep a healthy self-image. Don’t let gossip change the way you think about yourself.
  • Ignore it. Gossip is oftentimes best dealt with by paying no attention to it at all. Most people don’t think too long and hard about gossip, but if you react as if it matters, they might assume it is true.
  • Tell an authority figure. If a rumour might get you in trouble for something you didn’t do, talk to a teacher, counsellor or lawyer about how to deal with the issue, and for guidance.

If you need help or advice please contact:

Dr Dick on www.men2men.co.za, or Dr Delicious on www.womyn2womyn.co.za.

Or get face-to-face counselling (Book now on 012 430 3272) or telephonic counselling (0860 688 688)